Friday, February 14, 2020

PROJECT MANAGEMENT and HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PROJECT MANAGEMENT and HRM - Essay Example The HRM practices and processes of project-oriented organizations require additional and different procedures from the traditional approaches employed for other organizations. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance of human resource management, and communications management for a project team. Importance of HRM in a Project Team and its Implications for Success Human resource management (HRM) is of strategic significance to all organizations, contributing to the success of the organization and promoting the firm’s competitive advantage. The project-oriented organization works on projects, programs and associated temporary work processes forming ‘temporary organizations’, for creating the products and services required by the customers. This leads to a dynamic work environment. â€Å"Every time a new project or program starts, or an old one finishes, the HRM configuration of the organization needs to change† (Turner et a l 3). Human resources has to make the most efficient use of all the people involved in the project. This includes â€Å"the stakeholders of the projects, sponsors, customers, other departments, the project team, subcontractors an d all others† states Parsaie (172). ... HRM practices and processes should be designed specifically to meet the goals of project-oriented organizations which adopt HRM procedures that support both vertically and horizontally their strategic choice of project-based working. They require additional and different processes specific to the project and programs they adopt to undertake their work. Projects and programs are termed as ‘temporary organizations’ that require HRM practices and processes developed for those organizations. Turner et al (3) add that the project teams will require different human resource practices to effectively address the dynamic nature of the working environment in which they function. ] There are specific requirements for human resource management in the ‘project-oriented company’. People of the organization define management by projects as their organizational strategy. The employees apply projects and programs for the performance of complex processes. Further, they manage a project portfolio of different internal and external project types. Human resources have specific permanent organizations like a project portfolio group, or a project management office to provide integrative functions, and they perceive the organization as being project-oriented. Huemann, Keegan and Turner (316) state that the ideal project oriented company is frequently identified as a flat organization, with a strong culture of project management. It is thus evident that a company is defined as project-oriented because they see themselves as being project-oriented and accordingly form their â€Å"policies and practices for working, for organizational culture and for strategy towards the challenge presented by managing projects† (Huemann et al 316).

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Homeland security preparedness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Homeland security preparedness - Essay Example This can be seen in the increasing budgetary allocation to intelligence over the past few years. The United States intelligence budget (excluding military intelligence program) in 2010 was $ 53 billion. In 2009 it was $ 49.8 billion. The budgetary allocation was $ 47 billion in 2008, $ 43.5 billion in 2007 and $ 40.9 billion in 2006. According to one study of Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, the Federal budgetary allocations (after adjusting for inflation) for Intelligence has increased by a third during the past decade. 8) To use the intelligence gathered, for making decision relating to national security that can lead to more effective and efficient utilization of the available economic and military resources of United States of America. The whole idea of using the umbrella term ‘home land security’ for defining security efforts to protect United States against terrorist attacks gained currency after the deadly and dastardly terrorist attacks on World Trade Center. The Homeland Security Act was passed in the year 2002. Under this act the new cabinet Department of Department for Homeland Security ( DHS ) was established. The National Strategy for Homeland Security defines homeland security as: â€Å" A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks in United States of America; reduce the vulnerability of United States to terrorism ; minimization of damages caused from terrorist attacks; and to lead to immediate recovery from terrorist attacks, if they occur.† Before the September 11 attacks, the public policy on security made a distinction between domestic intelligence and foreign intelligence. The domestic intelligence activities were largely concerned with gathering intelligence for the purposes of law enforcement. The main objective behind Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA), 2004 was to integrate the foreign, military and domestic